It has just been over a month since we have been here in Brussels. It is an awesome city, in many aspects it is kind of like a mini London, so many places to discover.
Things we are loving:
CafĂ© Belga: An awesome bar/cafe below our agency. Great if you want to appear boho. Actually what I love about this bar is the mix from mums on the school run, university students, old couples reading the paper etc… A great place for people watching
Trams: much better than travelling under ground.
Food: cheap, good and unpretentious but actually very pretentious with out them realising, If you know what I mean.
Things we are not so fond off.
Irish bars: Yes all 100 of them, identical in every way shape and form. Mostly inhabited by stag parties and hen parties, muppets dressed in school uniforms and the occasional 16 year old on a school trip. Quote from one customer to another; ' hey lets go I have 10 euros left for beers and strippers’. Imagine what that must look like.
Slipping on dog poo: twisted my ankle slipping on poo. A frequent Lunch break phenomenon and the tally is rising, I swear this only happens to us.
Losing ideas in translation: completely our own fault but slowly we are improving our French and Flemish should be a breeze by December.
It's the mannequin Pis!! I remember that.
You should go here: http://www.trabel.com/brussel/brussels-museums-comicstrip.htm
Great museum, Tintin galore.
Yeah mannequin was a bit of a disapointment in real life.
We will definately check the link out too, comic stip museum looks like fun.
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